All vaccinations given in Australia should be recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
AIR collects vaccination information for all children, adolescents and adults in Australia. Ask your immunisation provider to report vaccinations you receive directly to AIR.
Your vaccinations will be recorded when your immunisation provider sends your vaccination details to AIR.
If you don’t have a Medicare card, you can still be vaccinated and have these details recorded on the AIR.
You can obtain your child’s or your own immunisation history statement directly from AIR. There are several ways you can obtain a statement.
Immunisation history statements may be required for childcare or school enrolment, study or employment conditions.
Any vaccination given since 1 January 1996 can be recorded on AIR. Ask your doctor or immunisation provider to update your record on AIR.
If you are vaccinated while living or travelling overseas, obtain a copy of the details and ask your doctor or immunisation provider when you return to Australia to add this information to your AIR record.
Last updated: 4 August 2020